Deep down in the middle of the Mediterranean, the people of Sardinia still enjoy the traditional home-cooked food that their grandmothers used to make. Here at Pepe Sale, in the heart of Reading, owner Toni Sale, who was brought up on this idyllic island aims to bring you some of those delicious, authentic flavours of Sardinia.
The menu features some Sardinian specialities that many of our customers had never tried before they came here - like our wonderful Sardinian bread - Pane Carasatu, various home made pastas, wild boar, fish dishes and of course, our house speciality - slowly roasted Suckling Piglet. Our delicious food is complimented by a selection of the very best wines from Sardinia and Italy
Together with the stylish, minimalist decor you will find that eating at Pepe Sale is an authentic Sardinian dining experience - and all at an affordable price.
Staff at Pepe Sale pride themselves on giving all our customers an opportunity to experience genuine Italian hospitality. We look forward to your visit!

As in all regions of Italy, pasta is one of our staple dishes, and owner and head chef Toni Sale prepares fresh pasta by hand every morning. Why not try our Sardinian pasta specialities - Malloreddos, Spaghetti Bottarga or Gulungiones, a type of Sardinian Ravioli.
Customers who wish to have bread with their meal can order some Pane Carasatu - typical Sardinian thin, crispy bread served simply with extra virgin olive oil and a little fresh rosemary. You can also sample this as a starter - Pane frattau - with fresh tomato sauce and Pecorino cheese, with an optional - but authentic - poached egg.
Our speciality main courses include fresh sea bass cooked in a sea salt crust, wild boar with mirto sauce, lamb cooked in vegetables with Cannonau - a traditional Sardinian red wine, and of course our house special - slowly roasted Suckling Piglet (available at weekends).
The vast majority of the ingredients we use, from the olive oil to the cheeses and breads, are imported directly from Sardinia. Fresh produce, like meat, fish and vegetables, are bought daily from the market, via local suppliers. Our blackboard menu changes every day, according to the best produce available.
At Pepe Sale we use many organic products and we do not use any genetically modified foods.
We also have an excellent selection of vegetarian dishes available, and we are happy to cater for people with special dietary requirements, by arrangement, and we always have a selection of gluten-free pastas.

  Pepe Sale Restaurant 3 Queens Walk
Reading Berks
Gran Bretagna

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